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用戶搜尋的關鍵字: 但 行 好事 莫 问 前程 但行好事莫问前程不忘初心方得始终, 但行好事莫问前程下一句, 但行好事莫问前程英文, 但行好事莫问前程出处, 但行好事莫问前程是什么意思, 但行好事不渡他人, 但行好事莫问前程类似的句子, 但行好事莫问前程河狭水激人急计生

Understanding the Proverb 但行好事莫问前程

Proverbs have always been an integral part of Chinese culture, offering wisdom and guidance for generations. One such profound saying is “但行好事莫问前程” (dàn xíng hǎo shì mò wèn qiánchéng). In this article, we delve into the literary origin, meaning, historical context, and real-life applications of this timeless proverb.

Exploring the Literary Origin

The proverb “但行好事莫问前程” finds its roots in classical Chinese literature. It is attributed to the Ming Dynasty and can be traced back to the work of the famous poet 杨慎 (Yáng Shèn). The saying is part of a longer verse: “但行好事莫问前程,不忘初心方得始终” (dàn xíng hǎo shì mò wèn qiánchéng, bù wàng chūxīn fāng dé shǐzhōng). This verse imparts profound wisdom about the virtue of doing good deeds without being preoccupied with the outcomes and the importance of staying true to one’s original intentions.

Interpreting the Meaning

The literal translation of “但行好事莫问前程” is “just do good deeds, don’t ask about the future.” The essence of the proverb lies in emphasizing the significance of performing virtuous actions without attaching expectations or seeking rewards. It encourages individuals to focus on the inherent value of goodness and morality rather than being fixated on the potential outcomes or rewards that may follow.

This saying underscores the idea that genuine virtue lies in the purity of intentions and actions. By emphasizing the detachment from the anticipation of future gains, it promotes a selfless and altruistic approach to life. The second part of the verse, “不忘初心方得始终,” adds depth to the message by highlighting the importance of not forgetting one’s original intentions to achieve ultimate success.

Historical Context and Cultural Significance

During the Ming Dynasty, China experienced a period of cultural flourishing and artistic achievements. The inclusion of such proverbs in literature reflects the societal values and moral principles of that era. The emphasis on virtue, selflessness, and perseverance aligns with the Confucian and Taoist philosophies that have profoundly influenced Chinese culture throughout history.

The cultural significance of “但行好事莫问前程” extends beyond its historical context. It remains relevant in contemporary Chinese society, serving as a reminder of the enduring importance of moral conduct and the pursuit of goodness for its own sake.

Real-life Examples and Applications

To fully grasp the impact of this proverb, examining real-life examples and its applications is essential. Many individuals, both historical and contemporary, embody the spirit of “但行好事莫问前程” in their actions.

One notable example is the philanthropist Chen Guangbiao, who gained widespread attention for his charitable deeds. Chen’s approach aligns with the essence of the proverb, as he focuses on making a positive impact without seeking personal gain or public recognition. His commitment to environmental causes and disaster relief efforts exemplifies the selfless nature of “但行好事莫问前程.”

Similarly, in everyday life, individuals who engage in random acts of kindness, volunteer work, or support charitable causes without expecting anything in return embody the spirit of this proverb. Whether it’s helping a neighbor in need or contributing to community projects, the emphasis is on the intrinsic value of doing good rather than the anticipation of future rewards.

Applying the Proverb in Daily Life

Integrating the wisdom of “但行好事莫问前程” into daily life involves cultivating a mindset that prioritizes ethical conduct and altruism. Here are practical ways to apply the proverb:

1. Acts of Kindness

Perform small acts of kindness without expecting recognition or reciprocation. This could be as simple as helping someone carry groceries or offering a kind word of encouragement.

2. Volunteer Work

Engage in volunteer activities for causes you believe in. The focus should be on contributing to the community or a larger cause rather than personal gain or advancement.

3. Mentorship

Share your knowledge and expertise with others, especially those who are seeking guidance. Mentorship is a powerful way to contribute positively to someone’s life without expecting immediate returns.

Common Misinterpretations and Clarifications

While the proverb is straightforward, there are common misinterpretations that merit clarification:

1. Misconception: Ignoring Planning and Goals

Clarification: “但行好事莫问前程” does not advocate for a lack of planning or goal-setting. It encourages individuals to focus on the intrinsic value of their actions while recognizing that positive outcomes may follow naturally.

2. Misinterpretation: Recklessness

Clarification: The proverb does not endorse reckless behavior. It emphasizes the importance of virtuous conduct and good deeds, not impulsive actions without consideration for consequences.

3. Misunderstanding: Lack of Ambition

Clarification: Embracing the spirit of the proverb does not mean forsaking ambition or personal growth. It suggests that while pursuing goals, one should prioritize ethical behavior and genuine intentions.

Relevance in Modern Society

The enduring relevance of “但行好事莫问前程” in modern society is evident in its resonance with universal values. In a world often driven by individualism and material pursuits, this proverb serves as a timeless reminder of the importance of moral integrity and selflessness.

Business leaders, educators, and individuals in various professions can benefit from incorporating the wisdom of this proverb into their decision-making processes. By fostering a culture of ethical conduct and emphasizing the intrinsic value of actions, organizations can create a positive impact on both their internal dynamics and external contributions to society.

Moreover, in an era where social responsibility is increasingly emphasized, the essence of “但行好事莫问前程” aligns with the principles of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Companies that prioritize ethical practices and contribute to societal well-being without solely focusing on profits embody the spirit of this proverb.

Ultimately, the profound simplicity of “但行好事莫问前程” transcends cultural and temporal boundaries, offering valuable insights that resonate with individuals seeking a meaningful and purposeful existence.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: What is the full verse of the proverb?

A: The full verse is “但行好事莫问前程,不忘初心方得始终” (dàn xíng hǎo shì mò wèn qiánchéng, bù wàng chūxīn fāng dé shǐzhōng). It translates to “Just do good deeds, don’t ask about the future; do not forget your original intentions, and you will achieve success in the end.”

Q: Can you provide an English translation of the proverb?

A: The literal translation of “但行好事莫问前程” is “just do good deeds, don’t ask about the future.” The essence of the proverb lies in emphasizing the significance of performing virtuous actions without attaching expectations or seeking rewards.

Q: Who is the poet associated with this proverb?

A: The proverb is attributed to the Ming Dynasty poet 杨慎 (Yáng Shèn).

Q: How can one apply the wisdom of this proverb in daily life?

A: Practical applications include performing acts of kindness, engaging in volunteer work, and offering mentorship. The focus should be on contributing positively without expecting immediate returns.

Q: Does the proverb discourage planning and goal-setting?

A: No, the proverb does not discourage planning or goal-setting. It encourages individuals to focus on the intrinsic value of their actions while recognizing that positive outcomes may follow naturally.

Q: Is there a danger of interpreting the proverb as endorsing recklessness?

A: The proverb does not endorse recklessness. It emphasizes the importance of virtuous conduct and good deeds, not impulsive actions without consideration for consequences.

Q: How does the proverb remain relevant in modern society?

A: The proverb remains relevant by serving as a reminder of the importance of moral integrity and selflessness. It aligns with principles of corporate social responsibility and can guide individuals and organizations toward ethical decision-making.

By understanding the origins, meaning, and applications of “但行好事莫问前程,” individuals can incorporate its timeless wisdom into their lives, fostering a sense of purpose and contributing to a more compassionate and altruistic society.

類別: 收集 17 但 行 好事 莫 问 前程


解释:劝告人只需要想着多做好事,不必考虑其他得失。 赏析:此句语言简洁明了,传达了一种积极向上的人生态度和豁达乐观的情怀,鼓励人们在做好事的道路上不断前行,而不必过于担心未来的结果。






  1. 但行好事:强调行善行好,注重积累善行和积极的人生态度。

  2. 莫问前程:告诫人们不要过分关注未来的前途,而是专注于当前的行为和所做的事情。

  3. 不忘初心:强调保持最初的信念和目标,不被外界的诱惑和变数所干扰。

  4. 方得始终:只有在不断行善、不问未来、不忘初心的基础上,才能获得最终的成功和圆满。




1. 注重行善行好


2. 不过分关注未来


3. 保持初心


4. 最终成功的关键




1. 职场发展


2. 人际关系


3. 创业之路



Q1: 这句谚语的作者是谁?


Q2: 谚语的具体应用有哪些?


Q3: 是否有现代社会成功人士采纳了这一理念?





但行好事莫問前程下一句: Exploring the Deeper Meaning

在中文文學中,成語和詩句往往能夠以簡潔的語言表達豐富的思想和哲理。其中,”但行好事莫問前程下一句” 是一句深具意義的警句,蘊含著人生的智慧和處世的哲理。本文將深入探討這句成語的來源、意義以及如何在當代社會中應用。


“但行好事莫問前程下一句” 來自《左傳·宣公十五年》。這是一句古文中的名言,意為在行善的過程中,不要過於關心未來的發展。換句話說,當我們在做正確的事情時,不需要過於焦慮結果,而是應該專注於當下的行為。




1. 脫離功利心態

“但行好事莫問前程下一句” 提醒我們不要過於追求功利。在當今社會,人們往往被物質和名利所左右,忽略了本應簡單純粹的道德觀念。這句話告訴我們,當我們行善的時候,不應該抱著期望回報的心態,而是要純粹地為了善良而行動。

2. 注重當下

“但行好事莫問前程下一句” 強調的是注重當下。人生充滿了變數,未來的發展往往難以預測。因此,在做任何事情的時候,我們應該全神貫注於眼前的行動,而非過度焦慮結果。

3. 追求內心平靜



“但行好事莫問前程下一句” 雖然來自古代,但在當代社會依然具有重要的啟示。無論是在工作、學習還是人際關係中,這句話都能夠指引我們更加明智地面對種種困難。

1. 職場應用


2. 學習應用


3. 人際應用


FAQ 常見問題解答

1. 這句話的實際應用場景是什麼?


2. 為什麼要放下對前程的期望?


3. 這句話如何引導人們在當代社會中更好地生活?


4. 如何在實際生活中應用這句話的理念?



“但行好事莫問前程下一句” 是一句充滿智慧的成語,蘊含著豐富的生活哲理。在當代社會,這句話仍然具有指導意義,可以引導我們更好地面對種種挑戰,追求內心的平靜和滿足。放下功利心態,注重當下,這是一條值得我們深思的生活之路。










1. 专注于善行


2. 道德修养的重要性



1. 不过分焦虑未来


2. 注重当下



1. 掌握当下


2. 培养善行习惯


3. 保持平和心态


FAQ 常见问题解答

Q1: 为什么要专注于善行而不问前程?

A1: “但行好事莫问前程”强调了在积极向善的过程中,不过分关注未来的原因在于,过度焦虑未来可能阻碍个体的当下表现。专注于善行有助于塑造积极的人生态度,同时在不确定性的环境中保持平和。

Q2: 这句谚语与儒家思想有何关联?

A2: 这句谚语与儒家思想有着紧密的关联。儒家强调个体的修身齐家治国平天下,而”但行好事莫问前程”则是对这一理念的一种精炼表达,强调个体在行善中建立品德和道德修养。

Q3: 如何平衡计划未来和专注当下?

A3: 平衡计划未来和专注当下的关键在于灵活性。制定合理的计划是必要的,但同时要学会适应变化。专注于当下的行善不排斥对未来的规划,而是提醒我们不要被未知的担忧所困扰。



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书法教学行书《但行好事莫问前程》Calligraphy @中国好书法作品欣赏集! – Youtube
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